Reflection of Praise

Reflections of Praise is a performing group that goes out into the community to share dance pieces that bring honor and glory to God.
The Reflections of Praise class is priced like any additional class. See our tuition prices for more information.
$100-125 fee for costume + jacket
Jacket and Costume Fees due Sept 1st.
Will NOT need an additional costume for this class at recital time.
$60 Fee for dropping out mid-year.
The reason for this fee is to compensate for time and effort to change choreography and the disservice done to the rest of the group. Exceptions will be made only in the event of an emergency situation or necessity.
Dress Code
These ladies are expected to be RESPONSIBLE for their own appearance in class. This means they do not have an assigned class leotard. Instead, they are able to pick their own dance attire according to these guidelines:
Leotard, skirt, dance tights, and ballet slippers
Full coverage: no spaghetti straps, open backs, or low cut styles
Hair in bun or other style SECURED to the head
No ponytails or loose hair. If hair is too short for a bun, please pin back so it stays out of their face.
Group Expectations
This group is a representation of our studio to the community. How they choose to carry themselves is also an example to the younger and less experienced students. It is important that they take these responsibilities seriously and consistently work with excellence both in the classroom and at events.
Christian Walk:
I expect these ladies to be living their faith on a day-to- day basis. For older students, this includes being pure in relationships and not participating in wild parties, etc.
In the classroom, this means that we are striving for group unity instead of competitiveness and jealousy by treating others with kindness and encouragement.
Must be enrolled in a regular technique class for the
entirety of the year.
Must regularly attend classes on time and prepared for class.
Must communicate with Ms. Tara or Ms. Allie concerning absences.
Eat like an athlete training for a sport: food is your fuel. • Increased amount of fruits & vegetables
• Plenty of protein (nuts, lean meats, etc)
• LOTS of water (PLEASE bring a water bottle to class!)